Student Handbook
School Hours
School starts at 8:35 and dismisses at 4:00 p.m. There is no adult supervision available for students until 8:00 AM unless you participate in Latchkey services. Students who arrive between 8:00 AM and 8:10 AM, should report to the gym for "Morning Walk Time."
Pre-K meets daily. AM classes are from 8:35 AM - 11:35 AM and PM classes are from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
Pre-K meets daily. AM classes are from 8:35 AM - 11:35 AM and PM classes are from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
Latchkey Services
Latchkey services are available beginning at 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM. Information is available through the Haysville Activity Center.
When Your Child is Absent
Please remember to call the office when your child will not be in school because of illness or appointments by 8:45 AM. Our phone number is 554-2273. If your child arrives at school after 8:35 AM, he/she will need to come to the office to sign-in. Students will be recognized for their attendance.
Wednesday Folders
We will send all regular weekly communications home in Wednesday Folders. Please be sure to check the contents of the folder each week, sign that you have viewed them, and then return the folder promptly on Thursday. If you represent an organization which may be sending notes home with students, please be sure these notes are approved for distribution by the Administration Office and that they arrive at school before Monday to be sent home on Wednesday.
District Wellness Program
The Haysville School District's Wellness Plan is designed to help improve the health and well-being of our students. Parents are asked to assist us by following guidelines for providing healthy items in their child's sack lunch as well as healthy snacks for parties and special occasions. This also includes morning snacks which are sent with children on a regular basis. When providing beverages, please refrain from sending high calorie beverages or soft drinks. Approved snacks include the following items: Cereal bars, Trail mix, Granola Bars, Crackers with cheese, Rice Krispie treats, fruit snacks, fresh fruit, raisins, or other dried fruit, beef jerky, rice snacks, animal crackers, pretzels, vegetables, or similar items. In addition, students will have the opportunity to participate in our morning walking program. Also note, that we have many Nelson Students with Peanut Allergies so please do not bring anything with Peanuts or anything cooked in Peanut oil. If you have any questions about this, give us a call.
Nelson Drive Procedures - Safety First
For the safety of our students, please follow these procedures when using the drive in front of the school:
- The Drive is one way - 2 lanes going from the north to south. Please follow signs.
- The Drive is a Fire Lane - No parking, loading zone only.
- All loading and unloading should be done on the building side only.
- Do not park in the crosswalk areas.
- Only use the handicap parking if you have a permit
In the Classroom
Literacy First |
Capturing Kids Hearts |
"Our Student Success Tool"
Each school has a Learning Facilitator (LF), who monitors the Literacy First process.
During this process, teachers learn and apply new research-based strategies for teaching, student engagement, and monitoring the individual learning of all students. Literacy First has changed how we teach reading, as many of the strategies are applied during math, social studies, science, etc.
"If you have a kid's have a child's mind."
Our teachers and staff are practicing the strategies of "Capturing Kids Hearts" to transform our classrooms into high-achieving centers of learning. By implementing these strategies we are experiencing fewer tardies, higher attendance, lower discipline referrals, fewer dropouts, and increased graduation rates.
Olweus Bully Prevention
"B.E.S.T." (Bullying Ends Starting Today!)
Nelson students and staff work very hard to make our school a bully-free place.
What is bullying? Hitting, name-calling, exclusion, or other behavior that is meant to hurt. Bullying is carried out by someone who has more power over someone who has less power.
What are the effects of bullying? Bullying affects both targets and bullies. Targets of bullying are more likely to grow up depressed and anxious. Bullies are much more likely than nonbullies to become adult criminals.
Become a School Volunteer
Are interested in becoming a teacher helper, tutor, field trip monitor, room parent, etc.
The students need YOU!
Call your school office to become a School Volunteer.
Call your school office to become a School Volunteer.
Family Rights & Privacy Act
If you do not want USD 261 to disclose directory information from your child’s education records, you must notify the District in writing within two weeks of enrolling your child. Please send such notification to: Adia Ludwig, Community Relations Coordinator, 1745 W. Grand, Haysville, KS 67060 AND to your child’s school. If a written notification of refusal to release directory information is not received by the District, USD 261 assumes there is no objection to the release of the directory information as designated.